This is a sample text block for a blog post. It's not currently being used to power an article on the site. The parthibankirukkalgalpdf is an ancient Tamil language text, dating roughly to the 7th century. This document has become one of the most famous works of ancient Indian literature due to its complexity and wealth of information. This text is composed of five books, informally known as puranas (meaning "ancient stories"), each praising a single God. One interesting aspect about this ancient text is that it was first translated into English by British missionaries in 1801; however, they forced their translation into English on the Tamil people rather than through dialogue or conversion (for example, where some Christians would translate scripture into Tamil). As a result, some words were lost altogether during this process. The text was first translated into English by the British in 1801, and published in Madras (now Chennai) under the title "An Ancient Indian Epic Poem". The translation was also published in two other editions, one of which included a translation of comments by missionaries on the poem. The unpublished version that is now found on-line is the original translation that was originally made for Protestant missionaries into Tamil India, with no changes or corrections done to the text. For instance, where most translations of this text include an apostrophe after "Lord", it simply reads "Lord." Similarly, where most translations use the word 'God' to represent 'Lord', it instead uses 'Gods. The name of the text is "Parthiban Kanmani" and the name of the translators is "Parthiban and Kanakavachakar". The text was published in Tamil by Srinivasan in 1962. Reference: Reference: Organization: UNESCO / India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development. Organization: UNESCO / India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture., Department of Education. Ministry of Human Resource Development. Organization: UNESCO / India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture., Department of Education. Ministry of Human Resource Development.Organization: UNESCO / India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture., Department of Education. Ministry of Human Resource Development.Organization: UNESCO / India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture., Department of Education. Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentOrganization: UNESCO / India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture., Departmental Cultural Affairs Wing (Departmental Consultant). 8eeb4e9f32 21
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